Seminary West Service Area

Are you looking for a taxi service near Seminary West at reasonable rates? Do you need someone reliable that will get you to your desired destination on time? With Alexandria Yellow Cab, you can easily travel to and from the Seminary West district. Whether you are a business traveler, everyday commuter or you are just passing through, rely on us to make your transfer a breeze. Use AYC services such as round trips, long trips, airport transfers, point to point travel and hourly taxi service and enjoy the finest taxi transfers in the DC Metropolitan Area.
Why get The Nearest Taxi Cab to and From Seminary West?
Seminary West is neighborhood west of I-395 highway on the outskirts of Alexandria. Beauregard Street is the main street in which are settled The Mark Center, Alexandria Campus of the Northern Virginia College and its Concert Hall and Arts Center. There are also two beautiful nature preserves.
One is The Winkler Botanical Preserve, a private park available to the community. It was established 40 years ago on a former farm. The place is located near busy roadways and is a great spot if you need a break from the bustling life in an urban area.
The second one is Dora Kelly Nature Park, a 50-acre nature preserve with a one-mile-long pathway that goes through wooded hills and swamps. It is Alexandria’s biggest area for walking, hiking, and biking. Free tours led by professional naturalist are offered every season, and people love it!
If you want to visit these beautiful places and enjoy nature, you should hire the most reliable taxicab company in Alexandria vicinity. That’s why you should count on Alexandria Yellow Cab and book the best taxicab team in order to arrive at Seminary West relaxed and ready to explore.
How Can I Book a Seminary West Taxi Service Nearby?
If you’re wondering: “Where can I find a good taxi near me?”, the answer is Alexandria Yellow Cab! The best team in Northern Virginia stands at your service for all your travels. For special occasions, meetings & conferences, visits to art centers, doctor’s appointments and/or city tours.
Use Voice search on your phone and ask for “Taxicab company nearby” or “Taxi close to my area”. Choose Alexandria Yellow Cab and check this booking widget to see how much will a taxi ride near Seminary West cost and book AYC taxicab near you for a cozy (but still effective) ride to your chosen destination.